System Operator Workshop for System i

System i rendszerüzemeltetési alapok
Részvételi forma
Képzési Forma
Képzés hossza
  • 4 nap (4×8 tanóra)
  • naponta 9:00 - 17:00
Elérhető képzési nyelvek
  • Magyar
Szeretne a témában testre szabott megoldást, csoportos képzést?
Egyedi képzési szolgáltatásainkról részletesen itt olvashat.


This course enables a new system operator to develop basic-to-intermediate-level skills needed for day-to-day operations of an i5 and iSeries system. Specifically, the course explains how to:

  • Use system displays, Control Language commands, messages, and Help Support
  • Start and Stop the system
  • Monitor and control jobs, output, and devices
  • Use i5/OS and OS/400 security and save/restore functions
  • Save and restore objects
  • Resolve system problems
  • Order, receive, and install PTFs

Hands-on exercises reinforce the lecture topics and prepare the student to successfully operate an i5 and iSeries system.

On successful completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Send, display, and respond to messages
  • Use the online help and reference materials
  • Monitor and control job queues, active jobs and output queues
  • Create and change user profiles
  • Use authorization lists and group profiles
  • Start and stop the operating system (i5/OS or OS/400)
  • Manage system devices, user display stations, and printers
  • Save and restore objects and libraries
  • Monitor job and history logs
  • Diagnose a system problem
  • Order, receive, and install PTFs

Kinek ajánljuk?

This course is intended for the person who has responsibility for daily system operations.

It is not intended for technical audiences who are seeking an in-depth look at how the i5 and iSeries system works. The audience should instead attend the AS/400 Concepts and Facilities Workshop.


  • Send, Display and respond to messages
  • Use the online help and reference materials
  • Monitor and control Job Queues, active Jobs and output queues
  • Create and change user profiles
  • Use authorization lists and group profiles
  • Start and Stop the Operating System (OS/400)
  • Manage system devices, user displays stations and printers
  • Use OS/400 security
  • Save and restore objects
  • Resolve system problems
  • Order, receive and install PTFs

Szükséges előképzettség

There are no prerequisites for this course.