Implementing PowerVM Live Partition Mobility
This course describes the concepts and configuration details when implementing PowerVM Live Partition Mobility on POWER6 and POWER7 processor-based servers. Students will learn the requirements of Live Partition Mobility and will configure HMCs, Virtual I/O Servers, and partitions in preparation for performing active and inactive migrations. Live hands-on exercises will allow students to configure a lab environment and perform Live Partition Mobility operations.
The audiences for this advanced training include AIX/Linux technical support individuals, system administrators, system architects and engineers, and anyone who needs a technical operational understanding of PowerVM Live Partition Mobility.
Key topics
- Live Partition Mobility Overview
- Live Partition Mobility Configuration
- Live Partition Mobility Operations
- Advanced LPM Configurations
- Describe key components of Live Partition Mobility
- Describe configuration settings necessary for the HMCs, the source and target Virtual I/O servers, and the mobile LPAR
- Perform and monitor PowerVM Live Partition Mobility operations
- Describe differences between active and inactive Live Partition Mobility configuration and operations
- Describe additional considerations when using dual Virtual I/O Server configurations, Active Memory Sharing partitions, and redundant HMCs
Szükséges előképzettség
AIX üzemeltetési ismeretek és gyakorlat. Az AN11G, AN12G és AN30G tanfolyamok elvégzése vagy azok ismeretanyaga. Mivel a képzési anyagok angol nyelvűek, ezért alapfokú, dokumentumolvasás szintű angol nyelv tudás javasolt a képzési anyag hatékony feldolgozásához. A képzés magyar nyelven zajlik.