
IBM WebSphere Integration Bus V10 System Administration

IBM WebSphere Integration Bus (Message Broker) V10 rendszerüzemeltetés
Részvételi forma
Képzési Forma
Képzés hossza
  • 5 nap (5×8 tanóra)
  • naponta 9:00 - 17:00
Elérhető képzési nyelvek
  • Magyar

Képzés ára

980 000 Ft
+ ÁFA/fő
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This intermediate course is designed for product administrators and developers who administer IBM Integration Bus. In this course, you learn how to administer IBM Integration Bus on distributed operating systems, such as Windows and AIX, by using the IBM Integration Bus administrative interfaces. These interfaces include IBM Integration Explorer, the IBM Integration web console, and the IBM Integration Bus command interface.


  • Install and configure an IBM Integration Bus instance
  • Establish, maintain, and manage an integration node
  • Use the command interface, IBM Integration Explorer, and the IBM Integration web console to administer IBM Integration Bus components
  • Use problem determination aids to diagnose and solve development and runtime errors
  • Implement IBM Integration Bus security
  • Use IBM Integration Explorer and the IBM Integration Bus web console to generate and analyze message flow statistics
  • Use the IBM Integration web console to record and reply messages
  • Use workload management policies to adjust the processing speed of messages and control the actions that are taken on unresponsive flows and threads
  • Implement an IBM Integration Bus global cache to store, reuse, and share data between integration nodes
  • Subscribe to IBM Integration Bus topics
  • Configure the integration node to support secure web services


  • Course introduction
  • IBM Integration Bus overview
  • Product installation, configuration, and security planning
  • Exercise: Integration node setup and customization
  • Administration in the IBM Integration Toolkit
  • Exercise: Using the IBM Integration Toolkit
  • Administration basics
  • Exercise: Administering the runtime components
  • Implementing IBM Integration Bus security
  • Exercise: Administering IBM Integration Bus security
  • Diagnosing problems
  • Exercise: Using trace facilities
  • Exercise: Identifying runtime problems
  • Monitoring integration node and message flow performance
  • Exercise: Recording and replaying message flow data
  • Publish/subscribe implementation overview
  • Exercise: Viewing runtime statistics
  • Configuring IBM Integration Bus for high availability
  • Exercise: Managing unresponsive message flows
  • Administering web services
  • Exercise: Implementing web services and web services security
  • Extending IBM Integration Bus
  • Course summary

Szükséges előképzettség

Korábbi IBM WebSphere MQ v 8.0 or v9.0 rendszeradminisztrátori ismeretek és gyakorlat. A WM153G vagy WM154G kódú képzések elvégzése vagy annak ismeretanyaga. Widnows Server üzemeltetési alapismeretek. Gyakorlat az IBM Integration Bus message flow fejlesztésben előnyös, de nem követelmény. Mivel a képzési anyagok angol nyelvűek, ezért alapfokú, dokumentumolvasás szintű angol nyelv tudás javasolt a képzési anyag hatékony feldolgozásához. A képzés magyar nyelven zajlik.