
IBM MQ V9.1 System Administration (using Windows Labs)

IBM MQ V9.1 rendszerüzemeltetés Windows környezetben
Részvételi forma
Képzési Forma
Képzés hossza
  • 5 nap (5×8 tanóra)
  • naponta 9:00 - 17:00
Elérhető képzési nyelvek
  • Magyar

Képzés ára

980 000 Ft
+ ÁFA/fő
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This course teaches you how to customize, operate, administer, and monitor IBM MQ on-premises on distributed operating systems. The course covers configuration, day-to-day administration, problem recovery, security management, and performance monitoring. In addition to the instructor-led lectures, the hands-on exercises provide practical experience with distributed queuing, working with MQ clients, and implementing clusters, publish/subscribe messaging. You also learn how to implement authorization, authentication, and encryption, and you learn how to monitor performance.

Target audience is: this course is designed for technical professionals who require the skills to administer IBM MQ.

After completion of the course, You will be able to:

  • Describe the IBM MQ deployment options
  • Create and manage queue managers, queues, and channels
  • Use the IBM MQ sample programs and utilities to test the IBM MQ network
  • Configure distributed queuing
  • Configure MQ client connections to a queue manager
  • Define and administer a queue manager cluster
  • Administer Java Message Service (JMS) in MQ
  • Implement basic queue manager restart and recovery procedures
  • Use IBM MQ troubleshooting tools to identify the cause of a problem in the IBM MQ network
  • Manage IBM MQ security
  • Monitor the activities and performance of an IBM MQ system


  • Introducing IBM MQ
  • Exercise: Getting started with IBM MQ
  • Working with IBM MQ administration tools
  • Exercise: Working with IBM MQ administration tools
  • Configuring distributed queuing
  • Exercise: Implementing distributed queuing
  • Managing clients and client connections
  • Exercise: Connecting an IBM MQ client
  • Advanced IBM MQ client features
  • Working with queue manager clusters
  • Exercise: Implementing a basic cluster
  • Publish/subscribe messaging
  • Exercise: Configuring publish/subscribe message queuing
  • Implementing basic security in IBM MQ
  • Exercise: Controlling access to IBM MQ
  • Securing IBM MQ channels with TLS
  • Exercise: Securing channels with TLS
  • Authenticating channels and connections
  • Exercise: Implementing connection authentication
  • Supporting JMS with IBM MQ
  • Diagnosing problems
  • Exercise: Running an IBM MQ trace
  • Backing up and restoring IBM MQ messages and object definitions
  • Exercise: Using a media image to restore a queue
  • Exercise: Backing up and restoring IBM MQ object definitions
  • High availability
  • Monitoring and configuring IBM MQ for performance
  • Exercise: Monitoring IBM MQ for performance
  • Exercise: Monitoring resources with the IBM MQ Console

Szükséges előképzettség

IBM Webshpere MQ alapfogalmak és jellemzők ismerete. Hálózati és Windows Server üzemeltetési alapismeretek. Mivel a képzési anyagok angol nyelvűek, ezért alapfokú, dokumentumolvasás szintű angol nyelv tudás javasolt a képzési anyag hatékony feldolgozásához. A képzés magyar nyelven zajlik.