Új How to successfully work together in an international business environment

Online Workshop only in English about cooperation techniques
Részvételi forma
Képzési Forma
Képzés hossza
  • 2 nap (2×2 tanóra)
  • naponta 9:00 - 17:00
Elérhető képzési nyelvek
  • Magyar

Jelenleg nincs meghirdetett nyílt képzés


For many years, Hungary has been attracting a wide cross section of international companies and entrepreneurs. Expatriate Managers, Project Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Management Team Members from all over the world have come to work in Hungary without the necessary awareness of business culture of the country. For Hungarians, it has also been challenging to adapt themselves to a new and different business culture of their company often influenced by members of multicultural teFor many years, Hungary has been attracting a wide cross section of international companies and entrepreneurs. Expatriate Managers, Project Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Management Team Members from all over the world have come to work in Hungary without the necessary awareness of business culture of the country. For Hungarians, it has also been challenging to adapt themselves to a new and different business culture of their company often influenced by members of multicultural teams.

The lack of cultural awareness and understanding of how business is conducted in Hungary and in a company characterised by a different business culture, and how to work together in multicultural teams inevitably leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and inefficiencies at work.

This workshop will provide participants with a better understanding of their own culture and deeper appreciation of different cultures at work and teach new skills and tools in order to successfully work together in an international business environment. It will develop an intercultural business competence to analyse cultural differences and resolve conflicts at work in a non-judgemental framework. Participants will acquire knowledge that can successfully apply to any business culture in any country throughout the World.

This interactive online Workshop (2 x 4 hours plus 1-hour follow-up group consultation) is designed for a small group of maximum 15 people in order to boost interaction, involvement and efficiency. This training is only available in English. A Brit and a Hungarian trainer will run the workshop together.


  • Participants identify their current challenges and advantages working together in an international business environment and in multicultural teams.
  • Understand the importance and complexity of culture in business.
  • Introduction to the Business Cultural Model.

Personal Business Cultural Profile comparison

  • Participants identify their business cultural preferences in comparison to Hungarian Business Culture as a benchmark.
  • Develop an understanding of cultural similarities and differences.
  • Personal Culture, Company Culture, National Culture
  • Identify potential conflicts of cultural origin.

Analyse cultural challenges and conflicts

  • Develop a consistent approach to manage cultural differences.
  • Learn to analyse challenging situations at work and identify possible cultural root causes.

Resolve cultural challenges and conflicts

  • Develop skills and learn tools to resolve cultural conflicts at work.
  • Apply the new knowledge to solve challenging situations that Participants are currently facing at work.

Follow-up after the workshop

  • Transfer the new knowledge and skills to everyday work.
  • Actions in ten-day periods